What we do

Asia Oceania Association for the Study of Obesity

Established in 1998, AOASO aims to exchange information related with obesity in each country. AOASO hosts the Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity (AOCO). Our member countries include: AIAARO (India), ANZOS (Australia and New Zealand), HKASO (Hong Kong), ISSO (Indonesia), JASSO (Japan), KSSO (South Korea), MASO (Malaysia), SASO (Singapore), PASOO (The Philippines), TMASO (Taiwan) and TSSO (Thailand), OHCoHAK (North Korea).

The Objectives of AOASO are :

1. to foster international fellowship among scientists of the region and promote collaboration particularly in the promotion of research, education and action programmes.

2. to provide a platform to exchange information and experiences in obesity research and action programmes among the member countries, through periodic meetings, national congresses and regional congresses on obesity.

3. to act as a liaison between the member countries and the International Association on the Study on Obesity, International Obesity Task Force as well as the relevant United Nations Agencies.

4. to develop activity regarded as helpful and appropriate in achieving the objectives of AOASO